Boxwood Gulch Ranch
Shawnee Colorado | 8,120 FT
North Fork of the South Platte River
Clients often pose the question to our guides, “Where is the best place to fish in Colorado?” The answer is most certainly Boxwood Gulch Ranch. Located 60 short minutes from Denver in historic Shawnee along the famed North Fork of the South Platte river, Boxwood is 3/4 miles of big fish heaven.
This private ranch offers tremendous diversity of river habitat in which trout are able to grow and thrive. Anglers will enjoy stalking trout in fast riffles, perfect pocket water, and smooth deep runs. Boxwood residents include rainbow trout, browns, cuttbows, cutthroats, brookies, as well as the exotic tiger and palomino trout. At Boxwood, there is always a possibility of hooking a fish that approaches the 10lb mark!
Streamside Clubhouse

In Season Rates
(All Inclusive rates based on angler(s):guide ratios. Groups over 3 will have multiple guides assigned)
- 1 Angler $595
- 2 Anglers $450 per
- 3 Anglers $395 per
- 1 Angler $795
- 2 Anglers $625 per
- 3 Anglers $550 per
Full Day Rates include access fees, guides, gear and flies.
A catered lunch is included on Full Day trips!
Contact us for booking and available dates.
Boxwood Gulch Ranch (Shawnee, CO)
Winter Special Rates
(November - March)
The Best Rates of the Season at the Best Trophy Trout Ranch in Colorado
Contact us for booking and available dates.
One Angler Full Winter Day
(Per Angler)
Two + Anglers Full Winter Day
(Per Angler)
Contact us for booking and available winter dates.
*Book Boxwood during the Winter Season and Fish Long Meadow at No Extra Charge!
LOCATION : Boxwood Gulch Ranch is located 50 miles from Denver, or 7 miles from the town of Bailey Colorado on Route 285.
FACILITES: The spacious stream side clubhouse provides a space to entertain angling guests unlike any other. This premier venue includes large sitting areas, full restroom, cooking facilities, grand outdoor patio, fire pit, as well as access to phone and WiFi! The ranch road runs along the river throughout the property, ensuring access for every angler.
*Club cart available upon request.
Plan Your Event At Boxwood
Interested in planning an elevated corporate, family, or other large experience? We can accommodate up to 30 anglers. Please contact us to discuss corporate and large group outings, as well as how we can best serve your event, or visit our Group & Corporate Trips page for more information on popular packages.
For additional information on this premier fishing destination, right in Denver’s backyard, visit the Boxwood Gulch Ranch Website.
If you have any questions about this legendary property or would like to inquire on availability, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Frequently asked
How far is the location from Denver?
About a 60 minute drive from Denver.
Do I have to do any hiking over rugged terrain?
No. Boxwood provides excellent access, and the fishing is located steps from a climate-controlled clubhouse. The property also features a ClubCar golf cart for anyone with mobility concerns.
What is the guide to angler ratio at 5280 Angler?
Whenever possible 5280 Angler will maintain a Guide to Angler ratio of 1:2 to provide the best service possible.
Can we have exclusive use of Boxwood for our group?
Exclusive use of Boxwood will be given to groups of 10 or more anglers. Groups with fewer than 10 anglers may be sharing the property with other anglers. Groups sharing water will have their guides and share the property independently of each other.
Can we arrange exclusive use of Boxwood for our group if we have fewer than 10 anglers?
Are non-angling guests allowed on trips?
Non-anglers are always welcome on our trips. However, please note that the landowner charges a $50.00 access fee for these guests. Additionally, we provide lunch to non-angling guests on full-day outings at no additional charge.
Is winter fishing available at Boxwood?
What are the regulations regarding catch and release fishing at Boxwood?
Barbless hooks are mandatory at Boxwood Gulch and Long Meadow Ranches. For more information on catch and release fishing, please visit KEEP EM WET.
Are pets allowed at Long Meadow or Boxwood Ranches?
Unfortunately, pets are not allowed at Long Meadow or Boxwood Ranches.